Generally, there are three types of follow-up emails. The first one you send immediately after the interview. While the second follow-up email is a check-in email. And, finally, the third type is when you haven’t heard back. Sometimes, weeks pass by and there is a drop-dead silence from the other end. And, writing a follow-up email is the best thing you can do.

Writing a follow-up email after the interview:

Follow up with the people you communicate with during your hiring process. This shows that you are grateful and excited about that particular position. Eventually, this increases the chances of you getting your next job.

But, make sure that you write thoughtful follow-up emails that express your enthusiasm. Candidates that show respect and good communication skills are sought after by employers. The active listening skills will make you a more memorable candidate. And, if you do follow-up emails, that’s even better.

How to Write follow-up emails?

This step by step guide will help you in writing a follow-up email.

Choose the Right Subject Line:

The best subject lines are concise and clear. They clearly convey the appreciation for the interview’s times.

Some of the best subject lines of interview follow-up emails are:

  • Thankyou for the opportunity.
  • I appreciate your time and advice.
  • Great speaking with you today.


Open your first paragraph with thankyou:

Your first paragraph should have everything. Mention the specific job title and thank your interviewer for the time. Lastly, express your continued interest in the job and position.

Talk about your interests, goals, and experiences:

Your second paragraph should have the company’s name in writing follow-up email. Talk about the goal that has especially interested the person you talked to in the interview. Connect that specific point to your skills, experiences, and interests. Moreover, be specific, keep it short and to the point.

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Set yourself apart from other candidates:

Finally, your last paragraph should close with a summary statement. Your summary statement should state what sets you apart from the other candidates. Talk about how you will add value to the company. You can urge the recruiters to ask you any additional questions. Whereas, close by saying that you are looking forward to hearing back.

End with a Signature and Contact Info:

End it with your email, your signature, and your essential contact information.


Writing a follow-up email is not tough. But, you need to take care of certain things while writing. Indeed, if you be gentle and enthusiastic, you are going to nail it. Make sure that your follow-up email covers every essential aspect.

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