Different leadership styles have different requirements and qualities. Although nobody is going to tell you what is best for you. But, we can surely guide you to the right one. Are you one of those who find it hard to choose the leadership style? Without a doubt, Leadership skills in a job hold utmost importance. Hence, we have brought the solution to “find my leadership style” for you.

Questions you may ask yourself:

As the leadership skills in a job are important. So, you must discover your own. Here are some of the questions you can ask yourself that may bring you on right track.

  • What do I value more? My relationships or my goals?
  • Do I consider structure or freedom of choice important?
  • What will I do, make a decision on my own or collectively?
  • Short term goals, or long term goals? What do I focus on more?
  • Does my motivation come from empowerment or direction?
  • How do I look up to a healthy team dynamic?

After you know well about the leadership styles, you will be able to discover yours. These are just a few questions to give you an idea of the development of leadership skills in a job


Strategies to Consider:

Are you on a path to developing a leadership skills in a job? These are the strategies you should consider.


You should try out varied approaches. Apart from it, pay attention to different circumstances and their outcomes.

Seek a Mentor:

Talking to someone senior to you always helps. So, approach them as they can give great insight into their own styles and how they developed them.

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Ask for Feedback:

Feedback is not always good. But, constructive feedback will help you grow leadership skills in a job. Ask the people you trust and take their honest answers seriously.

Be Authentic:

Don’t try any leadership skills in job that is opposite to your personality and morals. Choose the leadership style that is your strengths. Moreover, work on improving it. But, always be authentic.


Different leadership styles have different impacts. Leadership skills in a job are essential requirements. Whereas, you should choose one that you relate to the most. Although, mixing different leadership styles also work. But, you should not make it unauthentic. More is not always better.


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