After 2020, Ramanand Sagar’s ‘Ramayan’ is returning to the screen once again in 2021. The mounting cases of the Kovid-19 have led to lockdown-like situations. Meanwhile, the religious serial is being telecast again this year like last year. At the same time, on this news, ‘Sita’ of ‘Ramayana’ i.e. actress Deepika Chikhaliya has given her response. She has also shared a picture of herself on social media in the incarnation of Mata Sita.

Deepika Chikhalia, while sharing her photo on her Instagram account, wrote- ‘I am very excited while sharing that Ramayan will also return to the small screen this year. The Ramayana was telecast during the lockdown last year, and it seems history is repeating itself. This show has not only been a part of my life but a large part of the lives of many Indian families over the years.

He further wrote, ‘Come be a part of our community and share the knowledge of Ramayana with the next generation. Watch Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana ‘every night at 7 pm on Star India.

Let us know that the serial ‘Ramayan’, which is starring many legendary stars including Arun Govil, Sunil Lahiri, Deepika Chikhaliya, Arvind Trivedi, is being released on Star Bharat. Information has been given on the official Twitter account of this channel. In which it is said that ‘the mind will become pure, when Lord Shri Ram will be seen. See #Ramayan #ramayan every evening at 7 pm ‘. Fans look very happy on the re-telecast of Ramayana.

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