The total number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who have died in France during the pandemic has exceeded 40,000. According to the Ministry of Health of the country, by the evening of Saturday, November 7, this figure was 40 169 people here. Over the past day in France, 306 deaths were recorded from the consequences of infection with coronavirus.

According to Johns Hopkins University of America, in France since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,709,716 cases of infection have been identified. Today the country is in fifth place in the world for this indicator – after the USA, India, Brazil and Russia. On November 6, the number of new daily infections in France exceeded 60,000, the highest since the start of the pandemic. The number of new daily infections on 7 November was not reported for an unknown reason.

France fears hospital overload

In the current situation in France, fears of overloading clinics are growing, AFP points out. Today, 4410 patients in the country are in intensive care units. For comparison: at the beginning of the week there were 3721 such patients. Some patients from France have already been transported to neighboring Germany for treatment.

Entrepreneurs protest in Toulouse against quarantine measures in France, November 6, 2020

Entrepreneurs protest in Toulouse against quarantine measures in France

In late October, against the backdrop of a pandemic in France, the lockdown regime began to operate again. Within its framework, residents of the country are given only one hour every day to go shopping or see a doctor or take a walk within a radius of no more than one kilometer from their home. At the same time, schools and kindergartens remain open. Lockdown does not apply to some sectors of the economy, for example, construction.

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On November 6, in Toulouse, representatives of sectors of the economy deemed “insignificant” and therefore closed for the lockdown period, protested massively against quarantine measures. To draw attention to their plight, they dressed in black and lay down on the ground, holding black umbrellas above them.

The “health emergency” declared by the government in mid-October is expected to last until at least 16 February.

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