Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan is in a mood for vacation these days. She is seen celebrating back to back vacations with the family. Recently she was seen enjoying the snowy season in Gulmarg, Kashmir. At the same time, she has reached the Maldives to take the Summer Feels. During her back to back vacations, Sara is seen very active on social media. She recently shared captivating pictures from her Maldives vacation on social account with fans.

Sara Ali Khan has shared a picture and a video of the Maldives vacation in the story on her Instagram account, in which she is showing beautiful sunsets with her feet on the seashore. After the snow of Gulmarg, now the whole sea is seen enjoying a lot. In the Maldives photo and video, Sara stated that she loves sunset very much. This is why he has captured it perfectly in the camera.

sara ali khan

At the same time, the fans are waiting for more pictures of Sara from the Maldives Vacation. Please tell that Sara left for B Maldives on Saturday. Sara was spotted at the Mumbai airport along with her mother Amrita Singh amid the Janata curfew in Maharashtra. During this, Sara appeared in a stylish style wearing a white shirt and blue hot pants.

Earlier, during the Gulmarg vacation, Sara shared many interesting pictures and videos on the Instagram account with her fans. A video with his mother Amrita went viral. In which Amrita was seen afraid of height.

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