Bollywood’s ‘Dabangg’ actor Salman Khan is in a lot of discussion these days about his upcoming film ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’. Meanwhile, a photo of Salman Khan has been shared by actress Bina Kak on Instagram, in which her bodyguard Shera along with Salman Khan and Bina is also seen.

Actually Veteran actress and politician Bina Kak shared a picture on social media platform Instagram on Thursday. In this photo you can see that the open jeep is being driven by actor’s bodyguard Shera. Bina Kak is sitting on the front seat in the jeep, while Salman Khan is sitting on the back seat.

Salman Khan’s swag is being seen in the photo. Salman Khan looks quite handsome in gray t-shirt and clean shave. Recall that Bina Kak is very close to Salman Khan and her family and she often spends quality time with them. Even before this, Bina Kak has been seen spending quality time with Salman Khan many times.

Talking about Salman Khan’s workfront, he will soon be seen in the film ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’. The film will be released on 13 May. The film will also feature Salman Khan as well as Disha Patni, Jackie Shroff and Randeep Hooda in pivotal roles. Apart from the film ‘Radhey: Your Most Wanted Bhai’, Salman Khan’s account includes ‘Kick 2’, ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’, ‘Tiger 3’ and ‘Last: The Final Truth’.

#Salman #Khan #safari #Bina #kak #Bodyguard #shera #instagram

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