The re-entry of Rahul Vaidya in the TV reality show ‘Bigg Boss 14’ was tweeted by girlfriend Disha Parmar, after which the singers started trolling. Trolls say that Rahul Vaidya is a ‘fugitive’. He was never a king nor a hero. A king who ran away from the battlefield, is this a hero?

At the same time, another user writes, “Fugitive can never be a hero, Madam, say loser to Rahul.” Let me tell you that girlfriend Disha Parmar was very happy with Rahul Vaidya’s entry in Bigg Boss. Rahul Vaidya appeared on the show in Tuesday’s episode. He had left the show saying he was homesick. Rahul had said that he is missing his family a lot and he wants to go home.

Disha Parmar expressed her happiness over the return of Rahul Vaidya on the show. He tweeted, “Hero has come.” Be aware that Rahul Vaidya proposed Disha Parmar for marriage in an episode of the show. .

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A video of Rahul from Big Boss was revealed, in which he says, “I have never been so nervous before today, as I am today.” I and you have known each other for the last two years. Will you marry me? I will wait for your answer. โ€In the video, Rahul was seen on his knees with a ring in his hand and proposing direction.

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