Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has completed shooting for her upcoming film ‘Thalaivi’. He has given this information by tweeting. Kangana Ranaut shared two photos in this tweet. In this, one photo is of Kangana, while the other photo is of Jayalalithaa. It is known that the film ‘Thalaivi’ is being built on the life of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa.

In the two pictures Kangana Ranaut has shared, the first photo is her own. She looks like Jayalalithaa. She is seen standing on the podium making a sign of victory. In the second photo, Jayalalithaa has a sign of Victory. Both of them are wearing white colored matching sarees in the photos.

Sharing the photos, Kangana Ranaut wrote, “And the film was rapped, today we have successfully completed the shooting of our most ambitious project ‘Thalaivi’. Very rarely do actors find characters in which they live and I fell in love with it, but now it is time to say bye. Mixed Feelings. ”

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The actress tweeted another, in which she thanked the team members, saying that she would get a chance once in life. Ranaut tagged all the people associated with the film and wrote that every single person in the crew, thank you, thank you, thank you…. Let me tell you that apart from Kangana Ranaut in the film Thalaivi, South star Arvind Swamy will also be seen, who is playing the role of MGR in the film. Vijay is directing this film. At the same time, the release date of the film has been extended due to further lockdown.

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