Manikarnika fame actress Kangana Ranaut has decided to build Durga temple. Kangana Ranaut, while giving information on Twitter, has spoken about the construction of the temple in her home town. Sharing a picture on Twitter, Kangana Ranaut wrote, ‘Maa Durga has chosen me to build the temple. Devi is very kind and will accept this offering of mine. But one day I wish to build a temple to suit the glory of mother and our civilization. Jai Mata Di.’ In the photo, Kangana Ranaut is seen standing with her hands folded in front of the temple.

Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut tweeted on Friday morning, attacking Punjabi star Diljit Dosanjh and actress Priyanka Chopra, accusing them of confusing the peasant movement. Kangana Ranaut wrote, ‘Left media will work to encourage people like Diljit Dosanjh and Priyanka Chopra to confuse the farmers and motivate them for the movement. They will be offered by pro-Islamic, anti-India film industry and brands. Media houses with English and colonial mindset will give them awards.

Further, Kangana Ranaut wrote, ‘The problem is that the whole system is designed in such a way that the anti-nationals are encouraged. Our numbers against this corrupt system are quite low. But it is certain that in every battle of good and evil there is charisma in the end. The evil is quite strong. Jai Shree Ram.’

Currently, Kangana Ranaut is busy shooting for the film ‘Thalaivi’ being made on Tamil Nadu’s former CM Jayalalithaa. Recently, on the occasion of Jayalalithaa’s death anniversary, she shared some of her photos as CM before the film’s set. Kangana Ranaut looked very attractive in the role of Jayalalithaa in these pictures.

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