The controversy between Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and Shiv Sena continues to develop. After the BMC’s motion at Kangana’s workplace, the actress’s mom Asha Ranaut attacked the Shiv Sena fiercely. Asha stated in a dialog with information channel Aaj Tak that if my daughter have been unsuitable, then the folks of the nation wouldn’t help her. My daughter has supported the reality. The entire nation stands with my daughter.

Asha stated, ‘Shiv Sena has completed injustice to my daughter. The folks of India is not going to tolerate this in any respect. If Kangana was unsuitable, the general public wouldn’t help her. My daughter is part of their topics. What form of authorities is that this? This is just not Bal Thackeray’s Shiv Sena, which now we have been listening to since childhood. This Shiv Sena is a coward.

Kangana Ranaut targets Shiv Sena by sharing video of Bal Thackeray

He expressed his anger over the demolition of BMC at Kangana’s workplace. He stated, ‘My daughter labored laborious for 15 years, including each penny and made an workplace. Everyone has seen my daughter’s laborious work. We are from a center household. They have the property of their dad and mom, on which they’re boasting and torturing a lot.

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Asha additional stated, ‘I thank Amit Shah and the Himachal authorities, who protected my daughter. They haven’t any religion, have no idea what they’d do. Why are the opposition events struggling for my daughter getting safety? Don’t they’ve daughters at house? Why have these folks stated such nonsense about my daughter.

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