Singer and actor Aditya Narayan is currently enjoying a honeymoon in Srinagar with wife Shweta Aggarwal. Not only this, both the stars are also associated with the fans on social media during the honeymoon. Aditya Narayan himself has told fans through social media that he is in Srinagar. Not only this, he has also posted a selfie with wife Shweta Aggarwal. Posting the selfie, Aditya Narayan wrote, ‘Honeymoon has started! Heaven on earth is traveling to India for the first time. Along with this, he has also put the Incredible India hashtag.

In the photo, Aditya Narayan is seen wearing a brown jacket and sunglasses. Shweta is wearing a pink top and a red cap. Apart from this, a restaurant in Srinagar has also shared some pictures and videos. Earlier in an interview, Aditya Narayan said about his honeymoon plan and said that due to pressure of work, he is planning three small trips.

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He had said that it is necessary for me to come to Mumbai every week from the work of shooting. In such a situation, we have made three small trip plans. However, he did not rule out going to Maldives. Aditya had said on the question of Maldives, ‘He is there. I get three to four free holidays to Maldives every year. I am their unofficial brand ambassador.

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Aditya and Shweta were married earlier this month. After dating for almost a decade, the two decided to make each other their soul mate. The two met during the shooting of ‘Shapit’ movie. Let us know that both are preparing to shift to their new home in Mumbai. Aditya Narayan had said recently about marrying Shweta, ‘We are lucky to be with each other and have been moving forward together for the past several years. We have bought ourselves a new house in Andheri. This is just leaving two-three buildings from our old house. We are about to shift to this house in three to 4 months.

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