Vivo has officially launched its V20 SE smartphone in India on Monday. The phone is priced at Rs 20,990 and the phone will be available on Vivo’s India e-store and top e-commerce platforms. From tomorrow, the phone can be purchased through cell. The Vivo 20 SE comes with a full-screen display, with a dew-decor-like cutout at the front.
The rear rectangular camera module is provided behind the phone. It also comes with an in-screen fingerprint sensor. The phone comes in Gravity Black and Aquamarine Green color options. Another highlight of the phone is its slim profile. The phone is 7.83 mm thick and weighs about 171 grams. The phone has an onboard AMOLED Halo display with a 90.12% screen-to-body ratio.
The phone comes with a 6.44-inch AMOLED screen with full HD + resolution. It runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 processor. The chipset is paired with 8GB RAM and 128GB ROM. It also supports microSD card slot for additional storage up to 1TB. On the software front, it runs on FunTouch OS 11, which is based on Android 11.

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For photography, the Vivo 20 SE has a triple rear camera setup. It has a 48-megapixel primary sensor, a 2-megapixel sensor (Bokeh camera) and an 8-megapixel wide-angle sensor. On the front side, it has a 32 megapixel sensor. Vivo 20 SE has a battery of 4,100mAh. Which supports 33W flashcharge.

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