– Sergey Bezgodov / Shutterstock.com

Due to the global health crisis, pharmacies have been in high demand by consumers this year. Last Tuesday, the Order of Pharmacists reported an increase in attacks in pharmacies since the start of 2020. This also warns of a climate of insecurity reigning on the side of medical biology laboratories.

The number of assaults reported in 2020 has increased significantly

The number of reported assaults against pharmacists nearly doubled from January to November. 523 assaults were notably reported during these eleven months, against 303 throughout 2019, said the National Order of Pharmacists in a press release. We have therefore seen a 73% increase in attacks on community pharmacists this year.

This increase would be linked to the unprecedented health context, which caused the general anxiety of the population, exacerbated during the first confinement. In addition, a peak in the number of attacks was reported during this period, that is to say from March to May. Of all assaults reported since January, 58% are name calling and threats while 44% are thefts.

The number of thefts and burglaries also increased sharply between May and March. Cash was the main reason for pharmacy break-ins. However, some statements indicate that the perpetrators were looking for masks and gel, which were particularly in demand during this time.

– mikecphoto / Shutterstock.com

Île-de-France: the most affected region

Île-de-France is by far the most affected region, ahead of Hauts-de-France and Occitanie, while the situation in Mayotte is considered very worrying. With a total of 111 declarations filed, Île-de-France concentrates 22% of assaults between January and the end of November. Of all these reports, 72% relate to thefts and 28% to assaults. For their part, the Hauts-de-France and Occitanie regions account for 16% and 12% of declarations, respectively.

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The National Order of Pharmacists is also particularly worried about medical biology laboratories. ” If the figures do not allow an account of the reality on the ground (very few declarations to the Order), the feedback from medical biologists underscores a clear increase in attacks, insults and threats, in particular because of the queues in front of laboratories carrying out screening tests for Covid-19 “, He indicates in his press release.

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