GSMArena report states that Xiaomi is working on a new version of its Redmi 9. It has been said that this smartphone can be launched in China in the last month of this month. As per the report, the new Redmi Note 9 can come with 6.67-inch IPS LCD with Full HD + resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. There will be a punch-hole cut-out in the front to install a front-facing camera in the phone. The phone is also said to come with a 4,800mAh battery. Another great feature is that this phone will sport a 108-megapixel camera.
The Chinese tipster had claimed that Xiaomi would soon launch a new smartphone with a 108-megapixel camera under its Redmi lineup. It has also been reported that the smartphone will be part of the Redmi Note 9’s lineup rather than the Redmi 10. Smartphone Samsung’s HM2 sensor comes with 0.7-micron pixels and 1 / 1.52-inch sensor size.

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The sensor also features non-binning technology, which helps to combine data from 9 pixels and integrate into a single bright pixel, giving high-resolution 12-megapixel shots. Currently, the Redmi Note 9 Pro is the top-end model in the Max lineup. Its initial price in India is Rs 15,999. Redmi Note 9 Pro Max comes with a 64-megapixel quad-camera array and a 32-megapixel selfie camera.

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