The comedy show ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma’, which has been running for more than a decade, has become popular in every household. For years, the characters of this show, which have been at the top of TRP, Jethalal, Babitaji and Popatlal have become very popular. All these artists have tremendous fan following across the country. It is perhaps the longest running show, which is still as popular among audiences as before. Its hallmark also matches the TRP chart, where it remains at the top. Not only this, the actors of this show are also far ahead in earning.

Jethalal i.e. Dilip Ghosh’s net worth is Rs 37 crore. Apart from this, Dayaben i.e. Disha Vakani also has the same wealth. According to media reports, Munmun Dutta, who appears in Babita’s role in the show, also owns property worth Rs 7 crore. Apart from this, Shailesh Lodha has a similar property. In this way, the net worth of the star cast of the show ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ is Rs 88 crore. Launched in 2008, the show has remained a frequent audience choice ever since. In the TRP charts also, the show is continuously spreading.

All characters of Taarak Mehta’s inverted glasses have been well received. Shah’s 19th birthday was seen on Tuesday as Gogi in the show. On this occasion, the entire team gave him his best wishes. Samay Shah is the youngest artist of the show. Let me tell you that this comedy show of SAB TV was number one in the annual list of Yahoo’s most searched movies and TV shows this year. ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma’ has also beaten shows like Bigg Boss and Mirzapur.

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‘Jethalal’ of ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ spoke on nepotism

Dilip Joshi, who plays Jethalal, one of the lead characters of the show, is also known for his outspokenness. Recently, on the question of dynasty in the entertainment industry, he said that this is our culture. He had said, ‘This is our culture. If there is a businessman, he has set up his business and his son wants to join him, then he will definitely join him. ‘ However, Dilip Joshi further said that talented people should be given a chance, which has nothing to do with the film background.

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