Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has been pleading for justice for her brother on social media because the starting. Meanwhile, he took to Twitter to congratulate Sushant’s followers for participating in his new digital marketing campaign. Sushant’s sister Shweta believes that Twitter crashed for some time as a result of fixed tweeting by followers.

While sharing a screenshot of that Twitter web page, Shweta wrote, “Heard that Twitter crashed for a whereas. It is the voice of unity preventing for reality and justice. A real revolution in all methods! Good work warriors, Keep it up, the energy is shining. ” In the screenshot shared by Shweta, the message reads – “Twitter is over load capability. Please wait a few moments and check out once more.”

Sushant Singh Rajput had met Riya simply a day earlier than his death- reviews

Shweta Singh Kirti is presently working a new digital marketing campaign referred to as Revolution4SSR for her brother Sushant Singh Rajput. Earlier, he ran several other campaigns together with Plants4SSR, GlobalPrayer4SSR and Flag4SSR to maintain alive the reminiscences of Sushant Singh Rajput.

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Recently, a TV channel claimed in a report that he had met his girlfriend Riya Chakraborty simply a day earlier than Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise (14 June 2020). Reacting to this information, Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti stated that she was a ‘sport changer’. Sharing this information report, Shweta wrote – “This is a really breaking information, which is a sport changer!” A witness who can verify that the brothers met Riya on the evening of 13 June! Did the plot actually occur on the evening of June 13, that the following morning the brothers were discovered useless? “

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