Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty stays very lively on social media. She typically shares with household video followers. Now Shilpa has shared an animated video made for son Vian’s faculty challenge, which is very a lot preferred. The particular factor is that Vian has made this video on Sonu Sood, who is serving to folks transferring ahead within the Corona period.

Posting the video, Shilpa Shetty wrote within the caption – ‘Vian’s faculty challenge is devoted to a true hero Sonu Sood. They pay shut consideration to what occurs across the kids. It is smart to see Vian’s faculty challenge. The matter of the challenge was about those who have introduced change. I was watching what occurred prior to now months and praising how my buddy Sonu Sood is serving to the needy out of selflessness. ‘

Poonam Pandey appeared in romantic model with husband Sam, shared the video and wrote – Mr. and Mrs. Bombay

Ranbir Kapoor got here to see the restore of ancestral home with a bicycle of 58 thousand, video going viral

The actress additional wrote in reward of Sonu Sood, ‘At the time when persons are fearfully in properties, they understood the ache of others and helped them. The manner he served the migrant laborers settled in Vian’s thoughts. So he labored on his animated video, which he has achieved idea, dubbing, modifying, writing. I am very joyful to share this with you all. This is a proud mommy second. (Remember that he is solely 8 years previous) Sonu, this is for you.

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