Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor is celebrating his thirty eighth birthday at present. On this event, sister Riddhima Kapoor has shared a photograph collage. Sharing the picture, Riddhima writes, “Happy birthday Osmaness, I really like you a lot. My child brother, 38 much more great years. ” Let me inform you that Riddhima Kapoor has shared the identical picture collage on her Instagram standing, by which she has advised the followers that by what identify she really known as Ranbir Kapoor.

Sharing the picture, Riddhima Kapoor writes, “Happy Birthday Runs.” The complete Kapoor household is seen on this picture collage. Riddhima Kapoor may be very energetic on social media. She retains giving private life updates to the followers. Recently, she celebrated her birthday, whose images she shared on Instagram.

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Significantly, a video of Riddhima’s birthday celebration was fiercely viral on social media. In this, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have been seen doing an incredible dance on the music ‘Aap Jaise Koi’. The dance of each stars was effectively acquired by the viewers. Fans additionally fiercely appreciated and shared this video. This efficiency was given by brother Ranbir and pal Alia Bhatt to make Riddhima Kapoor’s birthday particular.

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