New data is popping out day by day in Sushant Singh Rajput case. Now lately, Sushant’s farmhouse supervisor has given an necessary details about the actor and Riya. Sushant’s farmhouse supervisor, whereas talking to Republic TV lately, mentioned, “Sushant’s former assistant Rajat Mewati had informed me that Riya would see all of the bills and withdraw cash from Sushant’s account.”

He additionally informed that Sushant was fairly indignant as soon as understanding about Riya’s bills. The supervisor mentioned, ‘Rajat had informed me that Riya used to get together and Sushant was sleeping. Whenever I noticed Shouvik, he was smoking or being drunk. Shruti Modi began coming from the month of July in 2019. Since Riya’s arrival, journeys to her island have elevated. Riya used to deal with all of the bills of Sushant. One day when Sushant received details about the bills incurred by Riya from his account, he was very indignant.

Sushant’s observe goes viral

Recently a observe written by Sushant’s hand has been recovered, which is of the yr 2018. In it, he has written that he won’t smoke, spend time with Kriti.

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According to India Today, the observe has been recovered from Sushant Singh Rajput’s farmhouse. Sushant wrote about his routine on a date of April 2018. It was written that he desires to stand up at half previous two within the morning, drink tea. Taking a shower, desirous to play tennis, studying archery. Want to give up smoking and skim Kedarnath’s script. Apart from this, we wish to spend time with Kriti.

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In the second observe, Sushant wrote about happiness, goals and physics.

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