In Sushant Singh Rajput case, Riya Chakraborty has been arrested for the medicine case. Many previous movies and pictures of Riya are going viral after being arrested. Now a video of Riya goes viral through which she is dancing to Priyanka Chopra’s music ‘Pinky Hai Paison Wali Ki’.

According to studies, the video is from 2013 when Riya Vakravarty attended an audition.

The information is coming that Riya used to speak to the drug peddler on her mom’s cellphone. According to a Times Now report, a laptop computer and cell phone had been recovered at Riya’s home on the time of NCB’s raid. Some WhatsApp teams emerged from the information of this cellphone and laptop computer, through which there was a discuss medicine.

It is being stated that the information of Riya’s second cellphone in her mom’s title has additionally been recovered.

Twinkle Khanna got here out in help of Riya Chakraborty

Riya accuses prime filmmaker

According to studies, Riya informed the Narcotics Control Bureau that Sushant had been uncovered to medicine by a prime filmmaker. However, the title of this filmmaker has not been revealed but.

Riya Chakraborty has additionally said that he took filmmaker Sushant to a number of drug events the place he was uncovered to cocaine, maroona and LSD. According to CNN News 18, Riya Chakraborty stated that every one this info was given to her by Sushant throughout her relationship. Apart from this, he additionally informed about how the actress is misbehaved within the movie business.

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