Actor Faraz Khan is currently admitted to the ICU in a hospital in Bangalore. Actually, he has been on ventilator for the last five days. He was undergoing treatment for a long time due to neurological disorder, so he was admitted to the hospital after the condition became critical. The actor’s family needs Rs 25 lakh. The actor’s brother Fahman Khan is pleading with the people for financial help.

In an interview, Fahman said on Bhai Faraj’s condition, “Bhai, has been on ventilator for five days and doctors say that there is a 50 per cent chance that he can survive.” He is reacting to the treatment, but he is still unconscious. We need Rs 25 lakh for further treatment. ” In a conversation with ETimes, Fahman said that the family has spent most of the time on saving brother’s treatment. Now it is becoming difficult to bear the expenses. So far, only Rs 1,98,012 has been collected out of 25 lakhs.

Fahman said that his brother has been suffering from cough and infection in the scene for the last one year. He was admitted to the hospital after the condition became critical. Whereupon, his condition became worse. The brother is placed in the emergency ward of Vikram Hospital. Where we came to know that she had three seizures due to herpes infection in her brain. Now their condition is getting worse.

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Let us tell you that Pooja Bhatt has come forward to help Faraj’s family. He tweeted, “Please share it and try to help financially.” I am also joining it. It would be nice if any of you would come forward to help them. “

Faraz Khan was seen opposite Rani Mukherjee in the film ‘Mehndi’. She played Rani’s onscreen husband. Although the character was a bit negative, but through his work, he created a different identity among the fans. Apart from this, Faraz Khan was seen in the TV series ‘Nilee Aankhen’ (2008).

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