Shiromani Akali Dal MLA Manjinder Singh Sirsa has filed a grievance in opposition to previous Bollywood stars together with Karan Johar on an previous video. Sirsa has alleged that those that joined the occasion used medicine. In this regard, Manjinder Singh Sirsa has additionally met with Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) chief Rakesh Asthana in Delhi. It has demanded investigation and motion in opposition to Karan Johar and different celebs for organizing this medicine occasion. Manjinder Singh Sirsa wrote in a tweet- ‘I’ve met Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) chief Rakesh Asthana at BSF Head Quarters, Delhi and have demanded investigation and motion in opposition to filmmaker Karan Johar and others’.
I met Sh. Rakesh Asthana, Chief of @narcoticsbureau at BSF head quarter, Delhi relating to submission of grievance for investigation & motion in opposition to movie producer @karanjohar & others for organizing drug occasion at his residence in Mumbai
That occasion video should be investigated into!
– Manjinder Singh Sirsa (@mssirsa) September 15, 2020
Last 12 months, a celebration was organized at Karan Johar’s home. A video of this occasion went viral on social media. It was attended by Deepika Padukone, Malaika Arora, Arjun Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, Vicky Kaushal, Varun Dhawan and different stars.
#UDTABollywood – Fiction Vs Reality
Watch how the excessive and mighty of Bollywood proudly flaunt their drugged state !!
I increase my voice in opposition to #DrugAbuse by these stars. RT if you happen to too really feel disgusted @shahidkapoor @deepikapadukone @ arjunk26 @Varun_dvn @karanjohar @ vickykaushal09
– Manjinder Singh Sirsa (@mssirsa) July 30, 2019
However, Karan Johar clarified this video and stated that nobody was taking medicine in his occasion. Karan had stated within the interview, ‘People had been having a superb time after a tricky week. it was a superb time. I made that video with all sincerity, if I used to be doing something, I might not share that video, I’m not silly. ‘