Bollywood actress Parveen Babi has a birth anniversary today. Parveen Babi was a leading actress ahead of her time, Parveen performed each character with a single voice. Parveen pulled a big line from the small characters with his acting skills. Today, on the special occasion of Birth Anniversary, we tell you some special things about Parveen Babi.

Childhood and debut
Parveen Babi was born on April 4, 1949, in a middle class Muslim family in Junagadh, Saurashtra. After this, Parveen did a BA in English Literature from St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad and started looking for a career in the entertainment world. It is said that at that time director BR Ishara needed a new face. When she once stared at Parveen, who smoked cigarettes, she just got her heroine. Parveen debuted with BR Ishara’s film character. The film did not do anything special but Parveen’s magic went on.

Succeeded with Amitabh
Parveen got her first breakthrough in cinema with Amitabh Bachchan in the film Forced. Released in 1974, Parveen was highly appreciated in this film. After this, Parveen and Amitabh acted in many films including ‘Deewar’, ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’, ‘Shaan’ and ‘Kalia’. Let me tell you that in 1976, Parveen also appeared on the cover page of Babi Time.

Success not found in personal life
Parveen Babi’s first love started with Danny. But this love could not progress much further. In an interview to Filmfare, Danny had told that Parveen Babi and her were three to four years old, after which the two had parted ways. After Danny, Parveen’s love affair with Kabir Bedi. The two worked together in ‘Bullet’ in 1976 and were in relationship with each other for almost three years. But this relationship also could not last long.

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Fell in love with mahesh bhatt
After Danny and Kabir Bedi, the proximity of Parveen Babi and Mahesh Bhatt began to grow. Mahesh Bhatt was also married like Kabir Bedi. But he left his wife and daughter Pooja and started living with Parveen. This was at a time when Mahesh Bhatt was not a big name, while Parveen was a star. Mahesh Bhatt made the film ‘Earth’ on his relationship with Parveen Babi. Mahesh Bhatt got a name after this film but Parveen’s condition started deteriorating. Parveen Babi is said to have started a mental illness during her romance with Mahesh Bhatt, which Mahesh Bhatt had described in several of his interviews as Paranoid schizophrenia. However, Parveen never described himself as a victim of the disease. Let me tell you that in 2005 Parveen had said goodbye to this world.

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