– Frederic Legrand – COMEO / Shutterstock.com

In 2018, the City of Paris appointed eleven women and five men to managerial positions in its departments. Today, the municipal team of the socialist Anne Hidalgo is pinned by the state for having hired too many female directors. It will in particular have to pay a fine of 90,000 euros. A sanction deemed “absurd” by the mayor of the city.

90,000 € fine for naming too many women

The Sauvadet law of March 12, 2012 imposes a minimum rate of people of each sex for first-time appointments to senior management positions from the three sides of the public service. This law notably imposes a minimum rate of 40% of individuals of the same sex. However, the Town Hall exceeded this rate two years ago. In 2018, eleven women held managerial positions compared to five men. Therefore, the City of Paris must still pay the fine of 90,000 euros.

This very high figure strongly contributes to the feminization of senior management and management jobs. However, it results in non-compliance with the legal objective of 40% of appointments of people of each sex in these posts. », Indicated the Ministry of the Public Service in its annual report.

– Kiev.Victor / Shutterstock; com

An absurd fine says Anne Hidalgo

For her part, Anne Hidalgo described this decision as absurd. ” I am going to be glad today that we have been fined. What is very beautiful about the bureaucracy is that it has absolutely no knowledge of discernment and therefore, it dares everything. This fine is obviously absurd, unfair, irresponsible, dangerous », She declared, stressing that it is important to promote women with determination, because the delay in France is still very great.

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“It is paradoxical to blame us for appointments which make it possible to catch up with the delay we had”, said Antoine Guillou, Anne Hidalgo’s assistant who is in charge of human resources.

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