Mandira Bedi is quite active on social media. She often shares photos with her fans. Now she has shared a photo of her in bikini, which is becoming quite viral on the internet. Mandira Bedi looks very fit in this picture. While sharing the picture, Mandira Bedi wrote in the caption on Instagram, ‘The temperature is dropping. There is so much lost like sun, sea and sand … my phone reminded me that this picture has not been posted. ‘ In the picture, Mandira Bedi is seen in a yellow bikini on the beach.

Mandira Bedi looks very cool wearing sunglasses. Commenting on this picture of him, people are praising his fitness. Actress, TV presenter Mandira Bedi recently adopted a 4-year-old girl as her daughter. Mandira adopted the baby girl in July itself, but in October, she informed people about her name. Mandira named her daughter Tara. Mandira Bedi and her husband Raj Kaushal already have a son, Veer Kaushal.

While sharing a picture of the family a few days ago on Instagram, Mandira Bedi wrote, ‘She has come to us like a blessing from God. Our little girl, Tara. 4 years old and her eyes are like stars. Veer’s sister. Welcome home With open arms and full love. Tara Bedi Kaushal. She became a part of our family on 28 July 2020.

Mandira Bedi has done films like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Badal, Shaadi Ke Laddu, Bali, Ittefaq. Mandira Bedi is also known for acting in serials like women, enemies and because her mother-in-law was never daughter-in-law.

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