Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is going to become a mother for the second time, is seen enjoying in the last months of pregnancy too. Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared a video on Instagram Story, in which she is seen dancing. Kareena Kapoor is seen dancing wearing a neck full sleeves top and rose gold skirt. Kareena Kapoor has also been very active in the days of pregnancy. Even during this time he also shot for the Lal Singh Chadha movie. In this film, Kareena Kapoor Khan will be seen with Aamir Khan, who is called Mr. Perfectionist.

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Kareena Kapoor Khan was also very active during the first pregnancy before the birth of Timur. In 2016, she gave birth to Taimur Ali Khan. In August last year, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan shared information about the arrival of their second child with fans. Kareena Kapoor has been in the news ever since sharing the news of pregnancy. Not only this, many pictures of Kareena Kapoor have come on social media even while flaunting baby bump. Recently she did a photoshoot for a brand flaunting baby bump.

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In an interview recently, Kareena Kapoor had said about the name of her second child that she has not thought anything about it yet, but she will surprise people all of a sudden. Kareena Kapoor says that she and Saif Ali Khan have taken a lesson from the controversy over the name of Taimur Ali Khan last time. So they have not thought of their child’s name beforehand. This will be Kareena Kapoor’s second child, while Saif Ali Khan is going to be the father for the fourth time. Saif Ali Khan also has two children from his first wife, Ibrahim and Sara Ali Khan. In this way, Saif Ali Khan will become father for the fourth time.

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