There was a sharp debate on Twitter recently between actress Kangana Ranaut and Urmila Matondkar. The debate between the two actresses may once again start on social media. Kangana Ranaut went to the Siddhivinayak temple after coming back to Mumbai and shared her pictures on social media. Along with this, he wrote in the caption that I am overwhelmed by the love I have received while standing for my beloved city Mumbai. Urmila Matondkar has now tweeted on this same comment. The Pinjar Fame actress has tweeted on Twitter a part of Kangana’s own commentary ‘standing up for her beloved city Mumbai’ and posted a smiley with her.

Not only this, while writing a line in Marathi, Urmila Matondkar has said, ‘Has my mind gone bad?’ Actually, Kangana Ranaut had compared Mumbai to PoK in the past. He had a heated argument with Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut. Sanjay Raut had threatened to show him back to Mumbai. After this, Kangana made this comment. In such a situation, now Urmila may have taken a toll on Kangana Ranaut’s declaration of Mumbai as her beloved city. On Tuesday, Kangana Ranaut shared the pictures of visiting the Siddhivinayak temple and also gave the slogan ‘Jai Hind Jai Maharashtra’.

On Urmila Matondkar’s tweet, some people are supporting her, while a section is also trolling her. A Twitter user wrote that you do not have the courage, so Kangana Ranaut did not mention in this tweet. Apart from this, one user wrote, ‘It looks like you are having a headache seeing Kangana Ranaut happy in Mumbai. You relax. Let me tell you that Kangana Ranaut has been vocal since the suspicious death of Sushant Singh Rajput. He made all the allegations in the film industry ranging from dynasty to drugs and blamed a section of the film world for his death.

Due to this, Kangana Ranaut had come under target of many big film stars. Right now she is very active on social media and has expressed her opinion about the farmer movement. He has had a heated debate with many actors, including Punjabi star Diljit Dosanjh, on this issue. Not only this, he also has to face two legal notices on a tweet describing an elderly woman from Punjab as Shaheen Bagh’s grandmother.

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