Jahnavi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma’s horror-comedy film ‘Roohi’ is released in theaters on March 11. Directed by Hardik Mehta, the film reached theaters but due to the circumstances of the makers Corona was worried whether it would get an audience or not. But given the current conditions, ‘Roohi’ earned well on the first day. However, its graph saw a decline on the second day, but on the third day the box office of this film once again appeared to be increasing.

‘Roohi’, which promised to make the audience laugh and scare, earned 3.06 crores at the box office on the first day. After this it earned 2.25 crores on the second day. On the third day after that fall, on Saturday, the film earned very well and its collection was 3.42 crores. Which is more than the first day. In total, ‘Roohi’ has earned 8.73 crores in three days.

While giving information about the box office collection of ‘Roohi’, trade analyst Taran Adarsh ​​wrote- ‘Roohi’s earnings are seen increasing as the weekends come … multiplex key-contributors are … expect earnings to increase on Saturday Wakes up… ’. Taran Adarsh ​​claimed in his tweet to look good on the opening weekend.

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Earlier during the promotion of ‘Roohi’, Jahnavi Kapoor said that she is promoting this film wholeheartedly, while she is also scared about the risk of corona virus. He used to say that ‘We are asking people to come to the theater to see Ruhi. If we say this to them sitting at home, then why will they listen to our request? ‘

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