Bollywood’s famous director Indra Kumar is currently shooting for the 17th film Thank God. The film stars Ajay Devgan, Siddharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet in the lead roles. Although the details of how these stars will be portrayed in the film have not yet been revealed, but now news is coming that Indra Kumar will direct the remake of the superhit film Dil.

According to Pinkvilla’s report, Indra Kumar has signed a deal with Bhushan Kumar for three films. These films will be released in the next three years. The source said that Bhushan Kumar will direct two more films after Thank God. If all goes well, Indra Kumar, Aamir Khan and Madhuri Dixit will direct the remake of Dil Movie. The screenplay of Dil is in progress. Its story is being made modern.

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It is known that the film Dil was released in the year 1990. In this, the pair of Aamir Khan and Madhuri Dixit was very well liked. The directorial debut was made by Indra Kumar under the direction of this film. The film received tremendous response at the box office.

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Speaking of ‘Thank God’, Siddharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet have recently completed the first schedule of the film at FilmCity, Mumbai. Ajay Devgan can join its second schedule. With this film, Siddharth Malhotra has started shooting for his new film Mission Majnu.

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Let’s say that Aamir Khan is in discussion about his new film Lal Singh Chadha these days. The film stars Kareena Kapoor as the lead opposite Aamir. The film will be released on Christmas this year. The film is directed by ‘Secret Superstar’ fame director Advait Chandan.

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