Greta Thunberg, who works for environmental protection, tweeted a tweet in support of the farmer movement in India, which she has deleted. Greta Thunberg, who was part of the Twitter trend in India throughout the day on Wednesday, is now being trolled. Actually, Greta Thunberg shared a Google document file, in which the schedule of the social media campaign was shared in support of the farmer movement. Not only this, while sharing this file, Greta Thanberg used the term toolkit, due to which she has come under target.

He shared a document that shared an action plan to create international pressure on the Indian government. Even though Greta has understood the mistake and deleted her tweet, by then the screenshot of her file was being shared in many places. In a tweet, Greta Thunberg described India’s ruling party BJP as a fascist party. The language of his tweet is being questioned whether he is also a part of PropGenda. 5 main things were written in this file, arrived to participate in the On Ground Protest. E-mail photos demonstrating solidarity with the peasant movement. Send these photos by 25 January.

greta thunberg tweet

Also, photo / video messages with digital strike #AskIndiaWhy should be posted on Twitter before January 26 or until January 26. On February 4-5, Twitter plans to bring the storm, that is, things related to the farmers movement, hashtags and pictures to trend. For this, pictures, video messages should be sent by 5 February. The last day will be on 6 February. Another way it was written was to contact the local representative. This will put international pressure on the Indian government.

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greta thunberg file

Questioning the language of the file shared by Greta Thunberg, she is said to be part of the campaign. In the afternoon, the statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs also said that foreign celebrities should not get caught in the hashtag campaign. It is believed that this message has been issued by the government to foreign celebrities like Greta Thunberg, Rihanna and Mia Khalifa.

greta thunberg news

Kangana said Tanja Sab Pappu is in the same team: Kangana Ranaut has launched a scathing attack on Greta Thanberg’s tweeting and then deleting. Kangana Ranaut has written, ‘This stupid girl has made the biggest mistake for the left. Has tweeted his international plan to destabilize India, which has been convincing. Sab Pappu is on the same team, hahaha. Group of clowns. ‘

#greta #thunberg #shares #planning #campaign #indian #government #deletes #tweet

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