Actress Gauhar Khan and Zaid Durbar got married on December 25. The romantic dance video of both of them is going viral on social media. Let us know that the reception party of both was held on the day of Nikah. The two danced to the song ‘Tumse Mil Ke Aisa Laga’, which fans are getting crazy about.

Explain that close friends and family members attended the function. Both the wedding and reception were organized at Mumbai’s ITC Grand Maratha Hotel. Both the stars have been sharing pictures of their wedding show continuously for the past several days. Not only this, both had also done a pre-wedding photoshoot and shared the pictures with the fans. Earlier on Thursday night, both stars celebrated their mehndi ceremonies. During this, Zaid Darbar’s father and veteran musician Ismail Darbar was seen singing the song ‘Lut Gaye Hum Teri Mohabbat Mein’ from ‘Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam’.

Gauhar also included his fans and media in his happiness. She was constantly sharing photos on Instagram, sharing updates of pre-wedding ceremonies. During the lockdown, the two decided to be together forever. Interestingly, there is a big age difference between Zaid Darbar and Gauhar Khan.

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Photos of Gauhar Khan-Zaid Darbar’s reception surfaced, viral on social media

In some media reports, there was a 12-year difference between the two. On this, Gauhar Khan said that such reports are false. He is not 12 years younger than me. It’s okay that I am a little older than that, but this difference is not so big. Apart from this, Gauhar Khan said that even though I am older than Zaid, she is much more mature than me.

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