Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has landed in Mumbai with husband Ranveer Singh, supervisor Karishma Prakash together with three folks within the authorized staff. Meanwhile, safety preparations have been tightened exterior his home. Photos and movies of Deepika Padukone have surfaced on social media. Let us know that Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh left for Mumbai from Goa on a constitution airplane on Thursday night. Deepika was busy taking pictures for Shakun Batra’s movie in Goa when her identify surfaced on the NCB radar in a medication case. On Wednesday, NCB together with Deepika Padukone despatched summons to Sara Ali Khan, Rakul Preet Singh and Shraddha Kapoor.

NCB has known as Deepika Padukone for questioning on September 26. Actress was named by Jaya Saha within the medicine angle in Sushant Singh Rajput loss of life case. Recently, there have been some WhatsApp chats associated to the medicine case, by which Deepika Padukone’s identify got here up. In this chat, D was demanding ‘items’ from Ok. Times Now claimed that D is Deepika and Ok is Karishma, an worker of the Kwon Talent Management Agency. Kwon Company has contracts with a number of large Bollywood actors and actresses, together with Deepika’s identify. Deepika was present in chats demanding ‘items’ or medicine.

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D to Ok: Do you’ve got items? To this Ok responds, ‘however is at house. I’m in Bandra. Ok writes that if you would like, I inform Amit. Then D says sure, please. K’s reply comes that Amit has, he retains. DHash writes that proper? No hemp Ok says when are you coming to Coco. Then D’s reply is that between 11 and 12½.

Significantly, the NCB official mentioned that on Thursday, the investigation staff recorded the statements of designer Simone Khambhata and former Rajput supervisor Shruti Modi. The NCB had initiated an investigation into the intoxicating substance that surfaced after Rajput’s loss of life. Now the company has expanded the scope of its investigation and has requested some extra Bollywood personalities to affix the investigation.

Sara Ali Khan and Rakul Preet Singh additionally reached Mumbai
The NCB had additionally summoned Sara Ali Khan and Rakul Preet Singh on Wednesday within the medicine case. Sara Ali Khan was on a household trip in Goa. In such a state of affairs, she reached Mumbai on Thursday night with Amrita Singh and brother Ibrahim Ali Khan. At the identical time, Rakul Preet Singh reached Mumbai from Delhi.

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