

When it comes to using a MacBook, most users face a few difficulties. But the brighter part is that you can fix these problems while sitting at home only. The best part about Apple products is their impeccably smooth user experience.

People love the interface that enables them to enjoy a flawless experience. However, since it is a system, certain glitches appear once in a while. Just like any other gadget, there are a few issues that appear in a macOS. So, without any further delay, let us enlighten you about the same.


1. Play startup issues

One of the major problems of a MacBook is that it takes some time to startup. As a result, you might either get a blank screen or a gray startup screen.

If you see that the usual layout of icons and apps is missing on your desktop screen, then you need to consider rebooting your system in Safe Mode. When you do that, macOS will load your system by using the minimum software. It will look for the glitch during startup and fix the same. For running it in Safe Mode, you have to keep pressing the Shift key.

Once the Apple logo appears, you can relax as you can see the login screen after that. It might take a few minutes to run this, but it is worth it. If you want to exit Safe Mode and start it normally, you need to restart your system without pressing any keys.


2. Fonts Corrupted

MacBooks are known for their amazing font rendering. However, sometimes the corrupted font issue occurs, which is now more noticeable because of the retina screens. Now, fonts matter more than ever. If the fonts are corrupted, you need to shut down your system and power it back while holding the Shift button to boot in Safe Mode. The fonts will look normal in safe mode.

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This is when you need to launch Terminal. First, clear your font cache and reset the font database. Then, turn off your Mac once again and power it back on to restore the same. To know how to change the default font on MacBook, you can read this informative piece on There are various fonts you can choose from as per your preference.


3. External devices wouldn’t connect properly

For this, you need to check if the device works properly on other systems or not. If you have a Windows System, try the device on that computer. Now check if you have plugged the device correctly into your Mac. You have to ensure that the cable and the port are not damaged.

Lastly, restart your MacBook and the device. Before doing that, you have to ensure that the device is compatible with your MacBook. If the older USB port doesn’t match with newer devices, then there is no way you can fix it. But if everything is okay, reset the PRAM/NVRAM and SMC to see if there is any glitch in connecting the devices.


4. Screen keeps flickering

The flickering problem is also a usual one. It is generally a complete loss of resolution. In this case, check for physical screen damage. If you don’t understand the same, you can look up some YouTube videos. If the screen appears fine, then you need to reset the PRAM/ NVRAM. It will fix the minor flickering issues. You should also check the macOS updates that you haven’t applied yet. Chromium and Firefox are two programs that can also cause flickering issues in your system.

You can either disable them or remove them. First, check if these solutions fix your issue or not. Otherwise, you can enter Safe mode and check which app is causing the problem.

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5. The sound suddenly cuts off

If you notice that the sound is suddenly cutting off on your system, ensure that it is not due to a certain application. If it is happening because of an app, then you need to update or debug it. However, if the problem persists to all sound on your Mac, you have a bigger issue. Try resetting PRAM/NVRAM and SMC to check if it fixes the same.

Resetting certain functions can also help you with the issue. However, it can be a hardware issue as well, which you need to check if all these solutions do not work for you.


6. MacBook cannot charge when plugged in

You have to check whether everything is plugged in and if the outlet is working or not. If the charger or cable shows signs of damage or any blockages, you need to fix the same.

Chargers and systems can overheat and may need to cool down before they start charging again. If this doesn’t help, apply software updates and restart your Mac.

Reset the PRAM and SMC settings to check if these work. Then, press down the Option key on your keyboard and simultaneously click the battery icon on the menu.

You can then select advanced options in your battery menu. If the menu tells you to replace the service battery, you need to take it to the store.

So these are a few problems related to MacBooks that you can easily fix at your home. If you have recently purchased the M1 MacBook Pro, you might like to read its Forbes review here.



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