Akshay Kumar has given a particular shock to his followers on the birthday of his son Aarav. Akshay Kumar has introduced the discharge date of his upcoming movie ‘Laxmi Bomb’. The movie will probably be launched on the OTT platform on the event of Diwali. Akshay Kumar himself has given this info on social media.

Akshay wrote in a post- ‘This Diwali your home may also include a’ bomb ‘with’ Lakshmi ‘. Lakshmi Bomb is approaching Disney Plus Hotstar on September 9. ‘ Along with this, Akshay Kumar has additionally shared a teaser of the movie. In which the journey of Lakshmana to Lakshmi is proven.

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Akshay Kumar’s movie ‘Laxmi Bomb’ was first to be launched on 9 September. However, theaters are closed because of Corona virus. Due to which the movie’s producers pushed the discharge date ahead. The movie stars Akshay Kumar reverse Kiara Advani. It is a horror comedy movie. The director of the movie is Raghav Lawrence.

Let us inform you that other than this, Akshay Kumar’s movie ‘Suryavanshi’ can also be prepared for launch. The movie, directed by Rohit Shetty, was to be launched in March. However, it has been postponed till December because of the corona virus.

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