Actor Himansh Kohli has been brazenly talking about Sushant Singh Rajput. Like many Bollywood celebs, Himansh has additionally demanded justice for the late actor. However, a medicine angle has surfaced within the Sushant case and Riya Chakraborty has been arrested for drug peddling. At the identical time, ‘Yaariyan’ fame Himansh Kohli feels that this case has deviated from its essential agenda which was #JusticeForSSR.

Himansh stated in a dialog with Spotboye, ‘Am I the one one who appears to be distracting the eye of the case? In the final 10–15 days, I’ve not discovered something that tells me that the aim of the case is being served. Initially, the one agenda we had was #JusticeForSSR, however now it’s fast guilty somebody. ‘

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Himansh additional stated that many Bollywood celebrities have come out in assist of Riya and have additionally began an internet marketing campaign #JusticeForRhea. Regarding this, he stated, ‘I feel lots of people are glad together with his arrest, relatively than what his crime is. People are sharing glad posts on social media. I feel the CBI and legislation enforcement companies are taking vital motion within the case. Himansha additional stated that he thinks that Sushant Sinha Rajput will get justice quickly.

Let us inform you that Himansh Kohli made his mark in Bollywood with the movie ‘Yaariyan’. While he has been within the information for the connection with Bollywood’s well-known singer Neha Kakkar. However, each of them broke up after a while.

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