Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey is celebrating her 22nd birthday today. All the celebs and fans of the film industry are congratulating him on his birthday. Shahrukh Khan’s daughter and best friend Suhana Khan has wished Ananya in a special way. Suhana has shared a fun throwback video, in which Ananya has told in the game that she has not received a ‘rejections’ till date.

Actually, Suhana has shared a video made with Ananya on social media. It also stars Shanaya Kapoor and younger brother Abram Khan. All these people are playing a question game. In this, they have been told that if they have ever been rejected in life, then lower your finger. After which Suhana, Abram and Shanaya lower their fingers, but Ananya does not. Suhana wrote, “Even a seven-year-old child has been rejected, but not 22-year-old Ananya, please teach us how?”

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Apart from this, Suhana has also shared a photo. In the photo, Shanaya, Ananya and Suhana are seen in a glamorous look at a party. While giving the caption, Suhana has written, “Love you Forever”.

Let me tell you, Ananya was last seen in the film ‘Khali Yellow’. In this, he worked with Ishaan Khattar. The film was released on the OTT platform. These days, Ananya is shooting for Shakun Batra’s film in Goa. Apart from this, she will be seen in the film Fighter alongside Vijay Devarakonda. The film is being produced by Karan Johar.

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