Shilpa Shetty has shared the video of Kanya Puja on social media on the occasion of Navratri. In the video, she is seen worshiping her daughter and eight other girls.

In the video, Shilpa is seen worshiping idols of the goddess at her home. She is seen rolling in her 8-month-old daughter Sameesha’s feet. Along with this, she is seen washing the feet of other little girls, feeding them and performing her aarti.

Shilpa performed Kanya Puja keeping all precautions due to Coronavirus. Sharing the video on Instagram, Shilpa wrote, ‘On this auspicious occasion of Ashtami, we have found our goddess, Samisha. We are lucky It is her first Navratri, so this Kanya Puja is kept. She and her 8 girls have been welcomed keeping all the precautions in mind.

He further wrote, ‘This is our way of expressing gratitude to the Supreme Goddess Mahagauri and her 9 divine forms. However, this year we have put on masks, keeping in mind all security measures, this puja has been performed. Serving and pampering all these little girls is a beautiful feeling. Jai Mata Di.’

Let me tell you, Sameesha was born in February through surrogacy. Shilpa is yet to show Sameesha’s face.

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