Poco X3 smartphone has been launched in India on Tuesday. This telephone has been launched by the corporate throughout a web based occasion. This handset is an upgraded variant of Poco X2. The Poco X3 NFC arrived in European markets this month and is the modified model of the Poco X3 launched in India. This telephone is the primary telephone on the planet to come back with Snapdragon 732G chipset. Poco X3 has been introduced in three RAM and storage in India. Poco X3’s 6 GB RAM and 64 GB inbuilt storage variant prices Rs 16,999. While the 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant comes for Rs 18,499 and the top-end variant with 8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage comes for Rs 19,999.

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Poco X3 has a 6.67 inch Full HD + show, whose refresh fee is 120 Hz. The sampling fee is 240 Hz. Its pixel decision is 1080×2340. This telephone runs on Android 10 based mostly MIUI 12 working system. The firm has given Corning Gorilla Glass 5 for display screen safety. The Poco X3 is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 732GG processor, Adreno 618 GPU, and 8GB of RAM. The telephone has 128 GB inbuilt storage which may be elevated to 256 GB through microSD card.

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Talking about digicam setup, Poco X3 has 64 megapixel major, 13 megapixel wide-angle, 2 megapixel depth and a pair of megapixel macro lens. The handset has a 20-megapixel entrance digicam with aperture F / 2.2, which is current within the hole-punch cutout.

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