A couple of days in the past, Reliance Jio has launched new Dhan Dhana Dhan plans. In this, Jio has launched 5 plans. The value of those plans begins from Rs. 399. The most particular factor about these plans is that in these customers get free information and limitless calling in addition to subscription of many apps. We will let you know which Postpaid Dhan Dhana dhan plan is the most cost effective and what are its advantages.
Rs 399 postpaid plan
The most particular factor about this plan is that you just get 75 GB information in it, together with this, customers get limitless calling and SMS. The most helpful factor with this plan is the subscription of Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney + Hotstar. Apart from this plan, this plan additionally brings amenities like free worldwide roaming, ISD, SIM house supply, facility to transform present Jio quantity to posterpaid, and premium name middle for higher expertise for the consumer.

Also read- Vi is providing 1 GB free information to its customers, know right here info associated to validity
399 pay as you go plan
Reliance Jio has a validity of 56 days within the recharge plan of Rs 399. In this, the consumer will get 1.5 GB of knowledge daily. Jio will get limitless calling from Jio for calling within the plan. Apart from this, 2000 minutes are given for different networks. Apart from this, subscription of Jio apps and 100 MMS per day facility are additionally out there on this plan.

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