US tech giant Apple on Tuesday launched the iPhone 12 series. The company also launched HomePad in a virtual launch event from Apple Park. The company has launched four iPhones in the iPhone 12 series. Their names are iPhone 12, Iphone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max. All these iPhones come with 5G connectivity. All iPhones have a new A14 Bionic chipset.

This time due to the global pandemic Corona virus, Apple held its launch event almost a month late. The event is usually held in the month of September, in which the company unveils new products including iPhones. The new iPhones have been introduced in many colors like the previous time.

Apple iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini

Apple has introduced the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini in black, white, red and blue. The iPhone 12 has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display screen. It supports iPhone Dolby Vision and HDR10. At the same time, the company has launched iPhone 12 Mini with 5.4 inch screen. The company claims that it will be the lightest and smallest iPhone among the iPhone 12 devices. It has 5G support. Along with this, this phone comes with A14 bionic chipset, OLED screen, new camera feature in low light and MagSafe charging support.

Apple iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12 prices

Talking about the prices of Apple iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12, the iPhone Mini has been launched for $ 699 and the initial price of iPhone 12 for $ 799. This price will be the base model of both iPhones. In India, the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Mini will come in 64 GB, 128 GB and 256 GB variants. It has been introduced in Blue, Green, Black, White and Product (Red) colors. Their price will be 79,000 and 69,000 rupees. After the sale of these iPhones, they can be purchased from or apple store.

iphone 12 iphone 12 mini

Apple iPhone 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max

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Apple has launched the iPhone 12 in stainless steel build quality. A new Pacific Blue has been added to it. It has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display. At the same time, the iPhone 12 Pro Max has a 6.7-inch screen size. It has three 12 megapixel cameras that will come with wide, ultra-wide and telephoto sensors. For the first time, 10 bit HDR video recording is given in the iPhone 12 Pro. This will be the company’s first phone, which will be able to capture footage with 4K 60fps Dolby Vision.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max prices

The iPhone 12 Pro is priced at $ 999, while the iPhone 12 Pro Max will start at $ 1,099. Both iPhones will be available for sale in the US market from October 23. At the same time, in India, the iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max will be available in 128 GB, 256 GB and 512 GB models. These iPhones will come in Silver, Gold, Graphite and Pacific Blue colors. They will start from Rs 119,900 and Rs 129,900.

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