Bollywood star actors Dharmendra and Hema Malini have become maternal grandparents once again. Ahana Deol Vohra, the younger daughter of Dharmendra and Hema Malini, gave birth to twins on Friday. Ahana, the daughter of Bollywood’s Dream Girl Hema Malini, is yet to be discharged from the hospital.

Ahana and her husband Vaibhav Vohra lovingly named the newborns Astra and Adia Vohra. Ahana has given this information through her Instagram account. She wrote that some miracles fall in pairs. We are blessed to announce the arrival of our twin girls, Astra and Adia.

Significantly, Hemalini’s younger daughter and Isha Deol’s younger sister Ahana was married to businessman Vaibhav Vohra on February 2, 2014 in a grand ceremony. Ahana and Vaibhav already have a child. Whose name is Dariyan Vohra.

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